WhereTheMapEnds Store

Thank you for visiting the products page at WhereTheMapEnds.com. I'm very excited about these items and hope you find them useful.

I offer three electronic products, and also a combination of all three. They are all electronic products, mainly consisting of PDFs and Word files (so they are compatible with PC or Mac). The only exception is detailed below.

How To Find Your Story will help you generate an amazing plot for your novel, a plot that takes your terrific characters and gives them a satisfying structure that will illustrate your character and ensure that your book comes to a perfect conclusion. This product is $15.

Character Creation for the Plot-First Novelist is sort of the opposite. It shows you how to create amazing characters to inhabit your terrific plot. You'll be crafting realistic, differentiated characters who leave a lasting impact on the reader. This product is also $15.

CHARPICK is an an instant minor character creator for your fiction. It's a little software utility (PC/Windows only, sorry) that randomizes not only physical attributes about your character like hair color and age but also deeper aspects like temperament, birth order, and religious beliefs. Don't like what it gave you that time? Hit F5 and get a whole new character! It's a great idea starter for your main characters, and for that UPS guy who shows up at the door and you need to describe, it's a click away. This product is $7.

Why not buy them all in a bundle for just $25? Best value.

If you're interested in any of these products, please drop me an e-mail: jeff[at]wherethemapends[dot]com.

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